We advise landowners on the best strategy to maximise the value of their land.
The Planning Permission process is becoming ever more complex. It takes experience, patience, time, money and enthusiasm to navigate.
We have very good relationships with the leading land developers and promoters in the UK and are able to deal with over 200 of the most successful and ethical companies.
It is vital, therefore, that we help you achieve maximum value. We also need to identify the most suitable planning mix and development in order to achieve Planning Permission for you. Our knowledge makes the Planning, Promotion and Application process transparent and straightforward.
We understand that every Land Promotion challenge is unique and that every landowner has different circumstances.
We are able to facilitate and negotiate extremely favourable contracts for land owners, whereby all planning risks are underwritten by leading developers and promoters. Post planning, the majority of sales proceeds are retained by the landowner. This provides a free carry for them and should planning be successful provides them with substantially increased land values. Landowners retain ownership of their land until planning has been successful, after which it is sold for development at a substantially increased value.
Should you wish to have an informal discussion regarding any of the options available for your land, for example, open market housing, green energy, care homes, and starter homes, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience.